Under the Biosecurity Act 2019 (the Act), beekeeping is considered to be a ‘regulated dealing’ (under Part 5, Division 3, Section 77).  Under the Act a person must not engage in a regulated dealing unless they are ‘registered’. This requirement has been formalised in the new Biosecurity Regulations 2022 which came into effect on 2 November 2022. Therefore, registration of beekeeping...

Introduction Download PDF: Code of Practice for Urban Beekeeping in Tasmania 2023 Honey bees not only produce honey, but play a vital role in the balance of nature, especially the pollination of agricultural crops, horticultural crops and the house garden. Pollination is important for the viability of many pastoral enterprises, market gardens, orchards and seed industries. Many...

A recent application by the Manuka Honey Appellation Society Incorporated of New Zealand to trademark 'Manuka Honey' is an affront to Australian producers. Manuka honey has been produced here in Tasmania since the arrival of the European honey bee.  There are numberous records of the work 'Manuka' in print and in place names dating back at...