
Looking to Join the TBA?

Member Benefits

  1. Have your voice heard in negotiations with government and other land managers.
  2. Seek election to the TBA Executive for hands-on involvement in your industry.
  3. Keep up to date with the latest news, via our newsletter.
  4. Be a part of our annual AGM and conference, featuring Tasmanian and mainland speakers on important issues.

Your Investment

Full membership is currently $400 per annum, and entitles members to full voting rights. Associate membership (without voting rights) is available for $200.

Your investment provides the TBA with the funds needed to provide a united voice for Tasmanian beekeepers, and to represent beekeeper interests in negotiations with the Tasmanian government and other land managers, and also to represent your interests at the national level through our participation in the Australian Honeybee Industry Council (AHBIC).

The Process

Please contact the Secretary to request a membership application and a copy of the Constitution. Your application will be considered at the next Executive Meeting. The Secretary will advise when the next Executive Meeting is scheduled.